This is a list of the General Assembly and Committee presidents who would like to say a few words:

GA Presidency

Maria Savvidou


I am a senior at the law school of Athens and I have just completed a Minor in International Relations at the American College of Greece. Last fall I was on a Study Abroad Program in the US, for which I received a full scholarship and the Global Citizenship Award from my college. I learned about MEP at high-school. My first MEP was in Madrid in 2012 and I was the Greek Delegation Head. It is my strong wish that all participants will experience what I experienced six years ago: that MEP brings together our two identities; both the national and the European. I hope that I will have my little share in making this experience unforgettable for all of you. Let’s make MEP MED Athens a success!

Caterina Barbieri

Vice President

My name is Caterina Barbieri, I am 18 years old and I live in Modena, in the North of Italy. After graduating at a foreign languages high school, I am currently studying political sciences. I discovered the MEP project a few years ago because my sister introduced me to it and I got so passionate that I have now attended more than 10 sessions. I hope this sessions will be as surprising as the others and that I will meet amazing new people that will share my passion.

Pantelis Naoum

Vice President

Aim for the Impossible... That’s my everyday attitude. With ambition and hard work I believe that we can achieve our goals; always with a diplomatic approach, always with a smile. I’m keen on many hobbies and activities varying from sports to science and politics, thus it was inevitable to be drawn by MEP Events. I look forward to meeting you at Athens 5th October, wishing everyone for a fruitful and delightful MedMEP experience!

Danai Spentzou

Vice President

I am Danai. I am studying law at the University of Athens. The previous semester I was in Spain participating in the Erasmus student's exchange programme in Alicante. I love travelling and meeting new people. I had the chance to participate in MEP through my school; the first time in Madrid in 2012 and now in the Med MEP in Athens. I am really happy and honoured to participate in this session and I hope we will all share some unforgettable moments!


Giacomo Cammarano


I’m a neapolitan law student and my favorite sport is tennis. I discovered this project because it was considered one of the most important in my school and I was very curious about it. MEP was maybe the first chance I had to work in a group and to share a challenge with other partners with all its feelings and emotions. My wish for the delegates I’m going to work with is that they will enjoy this experience as I did and still today I’m doing: with passion, curiosity and creativity. I wish you all the best in your work, since I did it during the last MED-MEP session and I know how hard it is.

Panayiotis Georgiou


I would describe myself as determined and hardworking, always striving for the best whilst working closely with those around me. I really enjoy being able to take initiatives and ultimately make the world a better place. I discovered MEP through my school and I never believed it would be such an amazing experience. I hope that this session will be full of fruitful debates and resourceful resolutions that will ultimately lead to effective solutions to problems that affect all our personal lives.

Vasilis Markopoulos


My name is Bill Markopoulos, I am 17 years old and I am part of the committee that is focused on the Agriculture and rural development of Europe. I was informed about this event through some of my friends that took part in the MUN 2017. I must admit that I found the whole idea extremely interesting and helpful so I decided to experience it personally this year. I believe that this year's MEP will be undoubtedly successful and fruitful on every aspect and everybody will be benefited in the end once the preparation and the event itself has so much to offer.

Kyriaki Pantazi


My name is Kyriaki Pantazi and I am a greek - cypriot who will be living in Portsmouth, UK from September to study Law. My forever dream is to make the world a little bit better, a little bit more fair. I love a fruitful debate and meeting new people. I speak four languages and I cannot wait to greet you in all of them. My first MEP experience was last October in Napoli, where I fall in love both with the city and the MEP. This June I participated in the MEPx session in Austria where I was a CP. I also have experience from other model parliaments but MEP sure makes the difference. I met new people and made friends for life. I hope that this session will be even better than the last. I wish that we will have a blast and numerous great discussions. Cannot wait to meet all of you.


Diogo Quirino Monteiro


My name is Diogo Quirino Monteiro and I am 17 years old. I attend an international school in Oporto, Portugal, in which I first got to meet Model European Parliament. My school participated for the first time in this kind of conference last year and found the experience amazing. After my participation I wanted to take a step further and decided to apply to preside over the Employment Committee for this MEP MED session. I am looking forward to help delegates engage in fruitful debate over the important topics we will be discussing and to immerse into the amazing Greek culture, as well as to meet new people from all over Europe.

Iro Fousteri


My name is Grigoria and I am from Greece. I will be the Co-CP of the EMPL committee and this September I will be starting my last year of high school. I was introduced to the Model European Parliament by my school last year, when I took part in the international session in Helsinki. For the upcoming session in October I hope that everyone involved will be able to forge long-lasting relationships and create life-changing memories through communication and cooperation.

Maria Petraki


I am Maria Petraki, Committee Secretary of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and sadly I am currently on my senior year of high school. This school is the place where it all began, where I first heard about the Model European Parliament and a world of endless possibilities opened up in front of my eyes. I expect this session will be fruitful and productive and will present everyone with the opportunity and motive to become a better person and appreciate what matters most in life, that is, love and unity.


Eva Margariti


My name is Eva Margariti, I’m nineteen years old and I’m currently studying political science at the University of Crete. I was introduced to the MEP program by my high school English teachers and, since then, I’ve participated in two international sessions, as a delegate and CP, and in one MED session, as a GA President. What excites me the most about participating in these kind of sessions is the fresh and new ideas about the future of Europe, that everyone involved brings to the table, and this is what I wish to see once again in this second MEP MED session. One last thing to anyone participating for the first time: enjoy yourselves as much as possible. MEP is an experience of a lifetime so make sure to make it a good one.

Paulos Karagrigoris


Hi, My name is Pavlos, I'm 17 years old and I will be the Co-CP of the INTA Committee for the 2018 annual MED MEP session in Athens. My interests include theatre, economics, history, politics, literature and comedy. I first came in contact with the MEP through my school, which is the organising body for Greece. I was the Head of the Delegation or Greece at the first 2018 Bi-annual International MEP conference in Tallinn and I have many fond memories from the entire experience. I hope for a productive and educational session.

Veronika Wrbka


My name is Veronika Wrbka and I just graduated from my school in Austria. 2016 was the year I had my very first MEP experience and I have to say, that the very first session was a rather embarrassing one, from an MEP perspective, but a really exciting and important one for me as an individual. Ever since, I participated at the MEP CSEE session in Sofia and organised two MEP sessions in Austria with other MEP friends. I love the MEP for meeting so many people and making so many great friends at each session and for this opportunity of exchanging interesting ideas and viewpoints on so many important political issues and that is also what I am looking forward to, at this session in Athens again!


Samuel Camilleri Brancaleone


Hi, my name is Samuel Camilleri Brancaleone, I’m 18 and from Malta. I am honoured to be the President of the Committee on Civil liberties, Justice and Home affairs. I first came across Model European Parliament through De La Salle College, the school I used to go to and I immediately fell in love with the concept of events like these. With EU and travel being things that are close to my heart it was only natural that I attend an event like this. In this upcoming session, apart from it being a success, something that I would definitely wish to see is the building of new friendships and, at the end of the day to be able to walk away with memories we are able to cherish.

Christos Spentzos


Hi guys, my name is Chris Spentzos, I am 20 years old and I am studying law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. For the second Med MEP session taking place in Athens in October 2018, I have been selected in the position of co-committee president in the committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). As a delegate, I first discovered the MEP magic during the 2014 MEP conference in Luxembourg. Since that day, MEP holds a special place in my heart! Regarding now, the upcoming MEP Med session in Athens, I wish that it is a successful session in every way and mostly that the delegates and of course, the members of the presidency will create unforgettable experiences with people coming from every corner of Europe. Besides, this is the true value of MEP, the establishment of true and strong friendships between the future European citizens.

Eugenios Kritikos


My name is Evgenios Vasileios Kritikos, I am 17 years old and I am the Committee President Secretary in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. I like science, math, classical music, literature and painting. I am interested in politics and history. I discovered the Model European Parliament when I heard some older students talking about it, so I wanted to have this experience. I wish that together we will all succeed in dealing with the committee issues and also have a great time.


Stefanos Kyprianou


I would describe myself as an optimist who believes in humanity and its potential for a better future. I love helping and motivating more young people to get into the European way of thinking, to be active European citizens and dreamers of a new world with prosperity. I learned about Model European Parliament by my teacher in school and I really didn’t believe that I would gain so much from it. I wish that this session will have resourceful debates aiming to come up with resolutions that will effectively help tackle the European issues.

George Tsiamasiotis


I will soon start studying electrical and computer engineering at the university of Patra, and I was first introduced to MEP simply by hearing my classmates talking about it. Since then, I became an MEP enthusiast, and have been to 3 sessions so far. Personally, when I'm trying to get a point across, I aim to be straight and to the point. At the same time, I try to focus on other people's arguments, and am not usually affraid to admit when I am wrong. These principles are what, in my opinion, make a person worth talking too; still, I can't claim to always apply them, in my day-to-day life. In MEP sessions, however, they are a necessity, as they are the building blocks of an amazing experience, which, believe it or not, leaves a lot of room for a bit of a laugh; if there is enought time for it.

Aidan Cairns


I am a 16 year old boy who is currently studying Science in Loches, France. I am British but was born and raised in France. The school I currently attend is an international school therefor it offers a lot of opportunities to travel and take part in events like the Model European Parliament. I wish that this session will be full of lively and fruitful discussions through delegates' nimble enquiries.


Konstantinos Tripolitsiotis


My name is Kostas Tripolitsiotis, I’m 18 years old and I’m currently studying Electrical Engineering at the University of Patras. I was introduced to the MEP program by my teachers and, since then, I have participated in 2 international, 1 Mediterranean and 1 MEPx session and I’ve been an active member of the MEP Greece team. I’m really excited to welcome all of you in my home country for the second MEDMEP session and I hope that you’ll live this experience to the fullest.

Lea Giglmayr


My name is Lea Giglmayr, I am 18 years old and I am a MEP enthusiast from Austria! What I love most is getting to know new people and their cultures as well as creating a network of politically interested people who aren’t afraid to shape their future. Aside from that I like to read and sing. Rather than discovering the MEP it discovered me! Shortly before the national MEP Session in Vienna in 2017 I was asked to fill in for someone and accidentally got sucked into the MEP-world! What a lucky coincidence that was because I got to know incredibly talented people, a new world where teenagers were given the opportunity to be taken seriously and where knowledge and interest was spread throughout the whole session – this is what I hope everyone gets to experience this session.

Ilias Sfetsos


I think of myself as a hard-working person I also consider myself ambitious with the work; I always have a new goal to achieve. To some extent, you never stop learning so everyone should be ambitious about work.

I have some faults, but one of the worst faults is to be really pessimistic. I have always been like that I learned about med Mep at school and I hope that during the sessions we will have a productive debate .